Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Several Ability and Divine Positioning

The institute of religion is a sacred place for me. It was seated in the Weber State institute with Brother Mueller about five years ago when I think I first saw the light and understood I was loved. That love and the spirit of the gospel hit me and planted itself deep in my heart during those hard years. And today going to the U of Utah institute with Brother Marshell, I would expect nothing less.

Today we went over Matthew 25. While reading the parables of the talents I felt a certain verse jumped out at the page, screamed “Emily”, cut deep into my heart, and at the same time felt like the clouds had opened and a precious light had shown down.  Gotta love how personal revelation works.

"14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
 15 And unto one hagave five btalents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey." 

Supposedly these people mentioned were travelers from a far country. Supposedly we were created, taught, and grew in the pre-mortal life. So does that make the far country become Earth and that we are the travelers?  No doubt in my mind that that is so. Now what did “several ability” mean?  I believe that before this world we learned how to do good, to bless the lives of others,  to have stewardship placed in our hands, the talents to build the Kingdom of God.  But perhaps Elder Maxwell said it best:

“Being subject to law, and having their agency, all the spirits of men, while yet in the Eternal Presence, developed aptitudes, talents, capacities, and abilities of every sort, kind, and degree.  During the long expanse of life which then was, an infinite variety of talents and abilities came into being..and so it went through all the hosts of heaven, each individual developing such talents and abilities as his soul desired.”  (Elder Bruce R. McConkie, The Mortal Messiah, 1:23)

So our loving Heavenly Father, or God for some, helped us develop those talents and then trusted us enough to send us down and left us develop them. Thus the parable (at least to me) means that before this life we were so blessed with gifts and abilities, how we use them here on Earth is how the people in the parable opted to use them and return them back to Him.

So the word that Brother Marshall used tonight was something I always knew was true deep down but had never coined it a phrase. Divine positioning.   That idea that there is no such thing as coincidence but rather He directs and plays a divine part in everything that happens.  That idea that I was blessed with several abilities and I made a promise to Him that I would use them well to help others. So then in return He divinely positions me to be able to receive help, meet critical people, and be able to give my little two cents to help others when we have gone through similar circumstances. Another great quote on the topic:

“Suffice it to say that we were sent here. We came willingly: the requirement of our heavenly Father and our anxiety to take bodies brought us here… Then, if it be true that we entered into a covenant with the powers celestial, before we left our former homes, that we would come here and obey the voice of the Lord, through whomsoever he might speak, these powers are witnesses of the covenant into which we entered; and it is not impossible that we signed the articles thereof with our own hands—which articles may be retained in the archives above, to be presented to us when we rise from the dead, and be judged out of our own mouths, according to that which is written in the books”- Journal of Discourses volume 7 page 314

I’m sure I knew full well what I was signing up for in this life before I came here (and probably more perfect than I even know my own life right now) . I saw the trials I would face but knew was equipped to handle them. What faith we all had to know what was coming and still accept to come to earth (Because we knew it was the only way to progress, duh!) If I knew exactly the trials I would have to pass through on my mission would I have done it all over again knowing full well? Maybe with a sour face I would have signed the dotted line. Most things we actually walk into a little bit blind, which works out to our advantage since we don’t know how hard they will be. It boggles my mind to know we had so much preparation, but all seemly forgotten once we arrived at the hospital screaming and crying. It’s there somewhere I am sure. I like to think that we didn't come to this earth to gain a testimony, but to remember the testimony we always had.  Back to divine positioning…. (basically what we do with all this preparation. If we decide to use it or not)

Three things I learned from the phrase “several ability” and divine positioning. Emilyology is that both phrases go hand in hand. But don’t worry it’s not official doctrine….
1. Why do trials happen the way they do? 

“Sometimes the Lord hastens his work in our spiritual development by the compression of experiences. Sometimes the best of people have the worst experiences because they are most ready to learn” (Neal A Maxwell). 

Now I am definitely no saint. I do know this though: some people have that innate faith and strength from some superhuman source (or pre-mortal learning course aka several ability) and they pass through really hard trials like champs. Most times these people seem to find others or be around others passing through the same thing. Coincidence? Umm, nope! God uses our ability and testimony and divinely places us around people who need our help. Or we could use our trials and say “why is this happening to me..wa wa wa…?”. Then God probably steers anyone who needs help very far away from us so we don't drag them down. But let’s just hope that never happens and stick with the first example……

2.       Why are we born into the circumstances we are?

“But if the smallest things we can conceive of are declared to be under the divine direction, need we, or can we, be more plainly taught that the greatest things of life, such as the manner of our coming into the world, our parents, the time, and other circumstances of our birth and condition, are all according to the eternal purposes, direction, and appointment of divine Providence [positioning]?” (Ensign Dec 1974 Spencer W Kimball).  

So some people are born to be the “chainbreakers”, pioneers, faithful future generations of already righteous parent, or whatever our calling may be as daughter, mother, cousin, neighbor. No matter what, we already were born (divinely positioned) with “several ablilties” to be able to shine light into whatever situation we were blessed to be in.

3.       Why do we meet and are around the people we are?

No quote for this one. Have you ever thought about your young women’s president, your primary teacher, your influential English teacher, your close teammates, your seminary teacher, your co-workers, your companions, all the people you meet in your mission, your siblings, parents, your ward members, roommates,  your bishop?  God handpicked (divinely placed) those people to positively influence us.  I love that feeling that you knew someone before this life but really have only known them for a few weeks. Kinda like “Hey buddy, I promised I would meet up with you and now its finally time”. Love that! God sends us angels all throughout our lives but lots of times it is our stewardship to be angels for other people.

So the point of this looonnngg blog/ personal essay was one of two things: 1) Realize and remember how many “several abilities”/talents I have been blessed (and pre-mortally trained with) and try to remember/find them rest throughout my life.  2) Honor my loving Heavenly Father and recognize His hand in all things and seek his guidance to be divinely placed by someone who needs my help. So you get how cool this parable now is?! Miracles/ tender mercies all over the place! I think this was the only way the man in the parable with five talents traded some in and gained many more. Because I have been given much I too must give.  Like the end of that sacred verse 15 says I will “….straightway [take my] journey”. I promised I would over 23 years ago and I can't wait for that moment I can come home faithful to my promise to return all those talents He gave once me. 

(PS whoever reads this, I challenge you to re-read this parable in Matthew 25 and gain your own personal revelation)


  1. Emdawg, I love this and I love you. These are great insights. Again and again so many problems become manageable when you remember the big picture, the whole plan from beginning to end and where we are in it.

    Please write more things.



  2. Please blog again. Thank you.
