Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Argentine Independance Day‏! - July 9, 2012

9 DE JULIO!!!!

Hello Friends and Family!! I have been super busy (and perhaps a little lazy) to write a letter to the family. Sorry! I am still in San Luis, 4 months now I have been here. I love everything about it. It is still relatively warm here. It is like Chicago, super windy. So when it is windy- it is a terror to walk in but we still obviously go out. I am staying warm with my heavy Chronicles of Narnia jacket. I have gotten a lot of comments on it. I laugh and say thanks but in the back of my mind think ¨ I bought this old thing for $20 at the DI and probably belonged to an old dead guy¨. The mission is still fun, even 17 months into it :)

So let me tell you about the three investigators that are progressing the most right now:

1) Marcos. He and his wife Yanina ( who is a member who recently came back to activity in the church) are a young married couple with two little kids. He is in the army, and his dad served in the Islas Malvinas war. He is super timid but is making tons of progress. He has almost completely stopped smoking his previous 20 cigarretes a day and is slowly and surely gaining his testimony through prayer and reading. A million of missionaries have worked with him but Yanina says that Hna Lino and I are the ¨chosen ones¨ for him. We´ll se, I don´t believe it but I do feel super happy he is going to church and preparing for baptism.

2) Mariel. She is a young college study studying BioChemistry. She is a roomate of a member here and is progressing fast. She is reading the book of Mormon and is in love with it. She is from Entre Rios (a province about 15 hrs away) and recently went home for ¨winter break ¨ here but when she gets back, I am sure she will be ready to rock and roll.

3) Sasha. She is the daughter of a recent convert of about a year. 11years old and is the province champion in figure skating (but they do it here with roller skates on a basketball huh?)  She SHOULD GET BAPTIZED THIS WEEKEND!!! And thus will end the 2 month drought of no baptisms :) She is a sweetheart and is learning very quickly. 

This week should be great. This Thursday we have Zone Conference and Pte and Hna Avila are coming. We spent most of today cleaning the pension because she is coming to check it.....rutt roohh. This week all the students have off so we set up a few days with divisiones with the young women which should be good. I love to call them and show them what the mission is so they one day will plan to serve too. Transfers are in less than a week so by next email I should be able to tell you who the lucky last companion is. I am praying it is Hna Dana. We will see....president owes me haha maybe it will happen. 

Gotta go, the field is white and ready to harvest. Plus we rented a basketball court for the afternoon haha :) Love you all

Julieta. She is the bishop´s daughter. She is the cutest baby and mission rules, we cant hold babies. But we couldnt withstand, so we took a couple pictures with her for like 30 seconds each.

Mexican Restaurant. It was Elder Passantino´s birthday so we found a mexican place. 

I got nachos and almost cried when I ate refried beans tortilla chips and salsa, something I havent tasted in 1.5 years!!

Sasha in her house after a lesson

Mariel and Yanina (her roomate who is a member) after we made empanadas together and read the scriptures.

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