Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baptism! - September 19, 2011

Hola Family and Friends!!

It has been an amazing week. WOW. I am exhausted. Week of a baptism is way more stressful. But, one more soul is saved here in San Rafael. And three more are planned for next week.

Romina is the oldest daughter of Familia Gonzalez. She was the most ready to make the step on baptism. But, we have the invitations ready and poor thing, Friday night she got super sick with high fever. She still wanted to do it, which we were very happy. The longer time you wait for a baptism, the longer time Satan has to try to mess it up. So we knew the water heater in the fount was broken and it was supposed to be fixed. Well, Saturday afternoon when we were supposed to start filling it, the repair man called and said he didn't fix it. So, we went to all the member's houses around the church (which really isn't that close) and collected big pots. We spent the whole afternoon filling the fount and we studied as we waited anxiously.

The night time came and although the water was very low, the baptism continued. We asked Marcelo Garrido (the father of the family we just baptized) to perform the baptism because he received the priesthood 3 weeks ago. He was stoked and very nervous. He said the prayer 4 times before he got it completely right and baptized her twice. She was a great sport about it though. Everything turned out beautifully. Her younger sister Brisa was there watching (and waiting for her turn next week) and the other two kids that are going to get baptized next week (Ruben, family friend of Familia Garrido, 12yrs old and Agustina, 9 years old). 

I sometimes wonder why I have had such success with children. I really hated babysitting when I was younger, which my Mom can attest to. So it is weird really. We have great adult investigadors too, just all of them are taking a long time to decide to be baptized. Children are pure and have great faith. My zone leader Elder Gonzalez told me this week " I think God is preparing you to be a great mother". I thought about that for a long time. I believe it is true.

President Hinckley gave a quote
"Many young women are serving missions and many more are preparing to serve, not because they aren't married or have nothing else to do, but because they have the desire to serve and therefore are being called to the work. The reason there are so many going is because in the next generation Heavenly Father will be sending his Priesthood army to the Earth and he wants to send them to mothers who have been properly trained and taught in the gospel, and what better training can a young woman have than that of serving a mission". 

I am so so grateful that God prepared me my whole life to do His work. I love it. It is very hard but I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world. I am grateful for the blessing and responsibility to teach the children and adults here. Pray that this week we can bless the lives of these kiddos, because they this gospel.

Pictures wont load this week. Lots next week!!

Love, Emily

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