Monday, January 23, 2012

Pics gracias a Hna Call!‏ - January 23, 2012

Hola Familia

This transfer is almost done. Next week is the last week. Where is the time going? I am going to hit my year mark very soon. I might cry when that happens!

This week was great but lots of hard hard hard work. We had a few physical problems: Hna Call has 40 bug bites that are turning into boils, she hurt her knee, I sprained my foot, and BOTH of us were in the bathroom with you know what all week for eating something very very bad. So, we must be getting ready for a great week of blessings this week.

The six people that can get baptized this weekend:

Alberto: Viejito. 77years old. Has been to every church I think that has ever existed except for ours, and has been searching for the true church all his life. His wife died 4 months ago. He plays guitar and has a garden comparable to the movie the secret garden. He is the best old guy ever and cries ever time we leave. He needs to stop drinking wine!

Agustin: 55 year old. Very humble. His wife left him and took everything. He still loves her and the kids so just left them everything and started over. He built his own house. His job is watching that no one robs the cars at the Catholic church. He absolutely loves the Book of Mormon and has read the bible all his life. Great man, needs to stop drinking wine!

Cristina. 50 years old. She is the one with epilepsy. She has tons of health problems but very valiant and spiritual. She knows the church is true and wants t olive with God but her mom who is 70 (haha, but since she is epileptic, she is dependant on her) is trying everything to not let her get baptized. She thinks we are too young to be preaching anything. So we sent the bishop over (who is probably 28 or 30) and the mom finally is ok with it all.

Juan: 63. His wife died very unexpectedly 3 months ago. He is the typical Argentine man- very macho. Mechanic. But he has a very soft side. He loved her more tan anyone I have ever seen love their wife and wants to be with her forever. He treats us like his granddaughters and always has something to say in priesthood class but the members love him. He needs to stop drinking wine!

Maria and Maite – 12 and 10 years old. The most prepared kids in the Sanchez family. They remind me lots of Agustina and Lucia in San Rafael.They just want to read and learn everything about the church. They are dying to get baptized but the Dad is still a little hesitant. We will see if we will wait for the rest of the family or if they can get permission, this weekend.

So as you can see we have tons of work to do. The vice here is definitely wine. They are all slowing down on drinking but haven't stopped completely yet. Tonight and tomorrow we will see. Please pray for each of them. 

We had zone conference today. Presidente Avila is AMAZING: He has such a deep deep gospel knowledge it is incredible. No wonder he was an area 70. He made a great comparison today I thought was cool. He said living the gospel of Jesus Christ is like riding a bicycle. You have the choice to get on, but once you are on, you have to peddle hard to keep going. The second you stop peddling, you fall over hard. We have to always keep working on our testimonies, always be looking for a way to get closer to Him. The second we think we are good and get prideful and forget the little things, we fall over. But, the Atonement always gives us a helping hand to get back on. So that was only one of his examples he gave in his inspiring 4hour sermon. What a rock star, I have such a sweet mission president!

Love you all. Hope you like the pictures. Zonda is a hike we went to again with Hna call and all the Elders. Then the other day we went to Alberto's house because he wanted to sing us folkloric. Then, this Sunday there way the end part of this road bike race here is San Juan. They shut down the highway (which goes in a huge circle around the city) and the bikers go 7 laps around. The whole town comes down and sits on the grass on the highway and watches. It was AWESOME!! Not only did I get to see a little sports which I have been deprived of, but we talked to about 100 people and got great contacts! What a blessing no?! The poster is something we made this transfer to see the progress of the investigadors. They are all almost at the pool party!!

Love you all!!

Jumping at Zonda


Alberto playing his folklorico music

Alberto's garden

Me at the bike race

The bike races

I'm an 80's missionary (jumping again!!!)

Our investigator's board

Serious business

Me and Hermana Call at Zonda

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